Public Speaking Success

On Friday 8th November Brecknock YFC held their Public Speaking evening at the FUW Building on the Royal Welsh Showground.
On behalf of the federation we would like to thank our Judges, stewards, timekeepers and County officials for giving up their time and for making the evening so successful. Thank you to FUW and Wales YFC for allowing us to use the buildings and FUW for sponsoring Junior and Senior Member of the Year awards and Hay & Brecon Farmers our main sponsors.

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Brecknock YFC
Lamb Trimming Day

Yesterday Brecknock YFC held their Annual Lamb trimming competition at Cefn Crai Farm, Trecastle by the kind permission of Mr & Mrs P Evans & Family, host Club Trecastle YFC.

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Brecknock YFC
Stockman Day

Yesterday Brecknock YFC held their annual Stockman day at Brecon Market by the kind permission of McCartneys. On behalf of the federation we would like to thank our Judges, Stewards, Timekeepers and Scorers for giving up their time and support the federation.

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Brecknock YFC
County AGM

Last night Brecknock YFC held their Annual General Meeting at the Castle Hotel Brecon. There were a few changes to the top table this year with Roger Williams standing as County President, Gethin Havard Deputy President, Rebecca Prothero County Chairman and Carwyn Pugh County Vice Chairman.

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Brecknock YFC
Welsh Blacks Cattle Stock-Judging Competition

Yesterday we held our Welsh Black Cattle Stock-judging competition at Trehenry Farm, Felinfach.

On behalf of the federation I would like to thank Martyn Thomas and Robin for hosting the event and supplying us with outstanding stock. Thank you to our judges Mr Lee Pritchard and Mr Dilwyn Jenkins, our stewards and timekeepers for giving up their time to help. Finally I would like to thank our sponsors Hay & Brecon Farmers & Lyndon Lewis LTD

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Brecknock YFC
County Sports Day

Brecknock YFC will be holding their Annual Sports Day on Sunday at Gwernyfed High School.

On behalf of the federation I would like to thank Cradoc Gold Club, Talgarth Sawmill and Hay & Brecon Farmers for sponsoring our event. Your continued support towards the federation id very much appreciated.

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Brecknock YFC