County AGM
Last night Brecknock YFC held their Annual General Meeting at the Castle Hotel Brecon. There were a few changes to the top table this year with Roger Williams standing as County President, Gethin Havard Deputy President, Rebecca Prothero County Chairman and Carwyn Pugh County Vice Chairman.
Peter Hope was elected as an Honorary Vice President and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Peter for all his hard work he has done for the federation over the years, I’m sure you will continue your support.
On behalf of the federation we would like to thank our retiring County Chairman Mr John Price, the dedication you have given the county has been outstanding. You’ve been brilliant to work with over the last 12 months and you have always been there when needed. You have worked extremally hard for the federation and the biggest highlight of the year was the shearing record for which you raised a huge amount of funds for charities that are close to our hearts. What you have achieved during your year you should be truly proud of yourself.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the Judges, Stewards, Sponsors, Host Families, County Officials, Past and Present members, Club Leaders and Friends of Brecknock for all their support throughout the year.
At the beginning of September, we held our sub-committee’s AGMS with Niall Evans standing as Fundraising & Events Chairman, Lewis Price Vice Chairman, Rhianwen Jones Competitions Chairman and Emma Rees Vice Chairman.
On behalf of the federation I would like to wish all county officers the best of luck in their role.
Once again thank you and good luck to everyone for the next YFC year.