Pontfaen YFC Win NFYFC Club of the month

Congratulations to Pontfaen YFC on winning club of the month (April) for National YFC.

NFYFC Statement - ‘We couldn't help but be impressed by this club, where its members have worked together through the tough times of the pandemic – not only to support each other but also the wider community.

The impressive fundraisers, the online Zoom connections and the innovative ways to support the skills development of their members all made them our worthy winners this month.

Best of all though was the heartfelt sentiment about why the club loved YFC. Club Secretary Sian Healey's emotional summary gave us all that warm fuzzy feeling! Here's an extract:’

"2020 has been a year like no other but has undoubtedly made us appreciate our connection to the YFC movement more than ever. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to be small cogs in the bigger YFC wheel. Whilst school, theatre, cinema, concerts, festivals, eating out, leisure activities and holidays have all been dramatically curtailed, YFC has been a reliable constant in our lives."

Brecknock YFC