Successful Public Speaking Day

Yesterday Brecknock YFC held their Annual Public Speaking Day at Ysgol Calon Cymru Builth Wells.

On behalf of the federation we would like to thank our judges Kay Thomas, James Evans , Chris Davies, our stewards, timekeepers, county officials and of course you the members for taking part.

Despite referral members having to isolate they were still able to compete through the powers of modern technology, so well done to you all. COVID is certainly not stopping the YFC movement.

Congratulations to the following members, teams and those who have been selected to represent the county at Wales YFC finals in the new year.

U14 English Junior Reading

1st - Sennybridge B

2nd - Builth Wells

3rd - Llandefalle A

Team to go forward is Owain Sennybridge, Fern Llandefalle and Evie Sennybridge.

English Brainstrust U21

1st - Sennybridge YFC

2nd - Pontfaen YFC

Team going forward Angharad, Carys Pontfaen YFC, Libby and Nia Sennybridge YFC

After Dinner Speaking U28

1st Sennybridge A

2nd - Erwood

3rd Troedrhiwdalar
Team going forward Elin Sennybridge, Deryn Builth wells, Sam Erwood, Sioned Pontfaen and Megan Erwood.

Full results and photos are now available on the website.

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Brecknock YFC