Sports Day 2018

Brecknock YFC held their Sports on Sunday 13th May at Brecon High School and Brecon Leisure Center. A Very hot day but successful day for most our clubs. 


Mixed Hockey - 1st Erwood, 2nd Liabnus, 3rd Bwlch & Crickhowell 

Dodgeball - 1st Troedrhiwdalar, joint 2nd Erwood, Trecastle, 3rd Pontfaen 

Tough Rugby - 1st Sennybridge, 2nd Trecastle, 3rd Bwlch & Crickhowell 

5 aside Football - 1st Llandefalle, 2nd Sennybridge, 3rd Pontfaen

Ladies Netball - 1st Sennybridge, 2nd Erwood, joint 3rd Llandefalle & Pontfaen 

Frisbee - 1st Sennybridge, 2nd Bwlch & Crickhowell, 3rd Trecastle. 

I would like to thank all the stewards and referees for giving up your time to make the day run smoothly and congratulations to all the members who competed. 

Brecknock YFC